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Causes of Mildew Birmingham Alabama

Here at Dry Clean City of Vestavia Hills, we post information about garment care tips that we think would be of interest to our customers in the Birmingham Alabama area. Today’s post is about mold and mildew.


  What Causes Mildew?

Mildew lives in moist areas. It attracts to areas that have a nutrient base. Things like leather shoes, jackets and other damp places is where mildew will thrive.

  What Causes Mildew in Closets?

Closets make ideal breeding grounds for mildew. Mildew grows best in dark places that do not experience much air circulation. If a pipe or roof leak occurs near your closet, the result of additional moisture in the building materials surrounding the closet area is the moisture will eventually be absorbed into the closet and eventually your clothing and shoes.

  What Are The Causes of Mildew?

Mildew is a greenish growth that is generally produced by molds, which are plants belonging to the the fungi family. Molds that cause mildew flourish in poorly lit, warm and damp areas such as basements and closets.

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