John Mattioli says being an entrepreneur has far exceeded his expectations.



Does Dry Cleaning Increase The Life Of My Clothing?

Dry Cleaning does not cause your clothing to fade and actually can increase the life of your clothing for the following reasons:

1) Soil Removal: Frequent dry cleaning removes ground in dirt that is abrasive and causes fabric to wear thin prematurely. As the fibers in the fabric wear thinner they become more prone to tearing. The damage usually shows up first in the areas of the garment that are under the most stress from wearing such as the elbows and under the arms of tops and in the crotch area of pants & shorts.

2) Stain Removal: Frequent dry cleaning removes certain stains that oxidize and cause yellowing over time. Stains from food and beverages cause yellow and brown stains to appear on your clothes over time if left untreated. Once these food and beverage stains turn yellow or brown they tend to become permanent.

3) Insect Damage: Insects such as clothing moths are attracted to soiled clothing. These insects find clothing with traces of perspiration, dirt, food, and beverage more appealing than clean clothes. Dry cleaning frequently and always before storage helps keep your clothes from being attacked by clothing moths that can eat holes in your clothing.