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Clothing Dye Information From Birmingham Dry Cleaner

Here at Dry Clean City of Vestavia Hills, we constantly do garment care research and post important information on our blog to help keep you informed.

Our post today is about how light and chemicals can damage the dye in some of your garments.

Light & Chemical Damage

Extended sunlight and artificial light exposure causes most dyes to fade. Some garments may fade in certain areas of the garment.

Chemicals, such as alcohol, can damage dyes. Avoid exposure to alkaline household substances such as perfume, hairspray, toothpaste, and deodorant. Some of these chemicals will cause the dyes to dry rot as well as fade over time. Deodorant and antiperspirants will damage the underarms of your garments to the extent that they will fade and actually tear.

Washable & Water -Based Dyes

Many stains are treated using water and water soluble chemicals, and even if the care label says Dry Clean Only, the dyes should be water resistant. Some dyes however bleed even when exposed to perspiration, excessive moisture, or rain.

White Dyes

Most people don’t realize that most fabrics are naturally off-white. White is actually a dye color just like red, blue, black, or any other color. Optical brighteners, also called fluorescent whitening agents, may also be used to make fabrics bright white. Their brightness fades when these brightening agents are exposed to light, since they tend to be unstable dyes. Garment fading may be in the form of a yellowish hue, gray hue, green hue, or event a pink hue. This change of color cast can’t be reversed. The garment manufacturer has failed to test the white dye or brightener prior to the garment being produced.

Color Loss in Dry Cleaning

Minor to severe fading can occur when garments that have been dry cleaned have been dyed  with unstable dyes that are actually solvent soluble. In many instances, more than one dye is used to color a single garment. If just one dye is unstable, the garment could have a dramatic change of color.  Another problem that may occur is when only one part of an outfit is cleaned and has subtle fading. This may create an outfit that no longer is the same exact color. For this reason, it is recommended to wash or dry clean all parts of any outfit at the same time to maintain color consistency.

The problem for the consumer and their  dry cleaner is that many manufacturers do not test their garments for color fastness. It really doesn’t matter how much you pay for a garment or what brand it is. If a dye is unstable and cleaned as per the care label the dyes will bleed and most likely ruin the garment.


